Billing and Delinquent Accounts After reading the meter or estimating consumption, a statement of utility charges due shall be sent to the customer/consumer on file with the Utility office as follows: A. Residential and low volume users are to be read quarterly and billed monthly. B. Large volume users are to be read and billed monthly. A penalty shall be automatically assessed to an unpaid account after the 10th of the month. A customer's account shall be declared delinquent when the balance is over $100.00 or more. A notice of shut off for delinquency shall be provided and disconnect/termination shall occur in accordance with the Village Water Termination Policy per Ordinance No., 1575. Should the service be severed for any of the above reasons, it will be the responsibility of the property owner to repair the service in accordance with the Village Code, and approved by the Water Superintendent. When water service has been shut off for delinquency purposes service will not be turned back on for the customer/consumer or in the name of any member of the family or any resident of the household until all charges due have been paid. A twenty-five ($25.00) dollar reconnect fee shall be charged and payment made before reconnection. Payment of all monies due must be made in the form of cash or money order before water service is turned on, with such turn-on occurring during normal business hours only. Services shall be shut off if declared delinquent. If the Village is not able to disconnect service, collection shall be pursued by whatever means legally available. Any customer/consumer's account reflecting a credit balance shall have that balance applied to future billings with the exception of that account being terminated and no other service transferred in the name of that customer/consumer to another account. All of the foregoing actions shall be carried out in compliance and coordination with the Village Water Termination Policy. |